Logo Corazón de Mujer

The Movement

The Movement

Who are we?

Corazón de Mujer was created to raise awareness of a reality that is not always well known: cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death among women (26.17%), even more so than any type of cancer (18.6%). It is a movement promoted by the SOLOmed Foundation and led by cardiologist Leticia Fernández-Friera, founder of ATRIA Clinic, and inspired by the international initiative ‘Go Red for Women of the American Heart Association’, which has achieved a reduction of more than 30% in female cardiovascular mortality in the United States. In addition, mortality associated with a first heart attack in women is up to 20% higher than in men. Heart disease, including stroke, claims the life of a woman every 6 minutes in Europe and every 60 seconds in the USA. These figures are especially impressive when we learn an even more shocking fact: around 80% of these deaths could be PREVENTED.

And this is where Corazón de Mujer wants to intervene to educate and inform society about the importance of knowing the risks associated with cardiovascular disease and creating healthy lifestyle habits. Routines such as doing physical exercise, compensating for stress, avoiding smoking, eating a healthy and balanced diet and having check-ups to detect and treat these pathologies in time.

In addition to raising public awareness, it is also necessary to reinforce the training of healthcare professionals for the proper diagnosis and treatment of this patient profile. Most cardiovascular diseases in women are not detected until they suffer an acute episode, which requires urgent and costly care with sometimes uncertain results. And the problem does not end there. Once treated, medium- and long-term management is poor, leading to a higher risk of relapse.


Corazón de Mujer wants to intervene to educate and inform society about the importance of knowing the risks associated with cardiovascular disease and creating healthy lifestyle habits’.

What do we do?

Most of the population is aware of the seriousness of neurodegenerative diseases or cancer but not of the impact of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, the need for prevention efforts is exacerbated by an aging population with increasing life expectancy. Moreover, the need for prevention efforts is exacerbated by an aging population with increasing life expectancy.

Mujer pelirroja posición Yoga

¿Qué hacemos?

La mayoría de la población está sensibilizada sobre la gravedad de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas o del cáncer pero no del impacto que tienen las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Además, la necesidad de realizar esfuerzos de prevención se agrava debido al envejecimiento de una población con unas expectativas de vida cada vez mayores.

‘The purpose of Corazón de Mujer is to AWARE’.

‘El fin de Corazón de Mujer es CONCIENCIAR"

To this end, this movement presents an annual award that seeks to recognize and highlight the work of personalities who work with research and dissemination as a tool. In its first edition (2022), the award was given to Dr. Malissa Wood, a world-renowned cardiologist, Harvard professor and top representative of the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women, and this year it will go to the researcher and geneticist Nabila Bouatia-Naji, Director of the French Institute for Basic and Medical Health Research and a reference in the study of genetics to understand the pathophysiology of arterial disease.

In addition, throughout the rest of the year, Corazón de Mujer organizes various informative and training ACTIONS. Talks and meetings on good heart-healthy habits to promote exercise and a healthy diet, campaigns for check-ups and preventive check-ups, courses for professionals, awareness-raising events, etc.